Payment Will be Made at Pickup, Sales Tax Will NOT Be Charged.
Auction Loadout: Thursday and Friday, October 5th and 6th From 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Sales Tax Will NOT Be Charged.
*A Loader Will be Available to Assist in Loading.
*A Lot of Loading Will Have to be Done From the Road, Please Be Patient and We Will Do Our Best to Get Everyone Loaded in a Safe and Timely Manner*
*After You Place a Bid, Your User Name/E-mail Will Appear As Long As You Are Logged In. You Are The Only One That Can See That. It Is Hidden From All Other Bidders!
Snapper Model 180H, Hydro is Weak but Runs Good Per Seller
Snapper Model 180H, Hydro is Weak but Runs Good Per Seller
There are no bids for the lot at this time
Auction Opens: Thursday, September 21st @ 10:00 AM.
Location: 1821 County Highway 31, Russell, MN 56169
Open House: Saturday and Sunday September 23rd - 24th and September 30th - October 1st From 10:00 - 5:00 PM or By Appointment.
Auction Close: Auction Will Start Closing Down 2 Items Every Minute on Wednesday, October 4th @ 6:00 PM.
Auction Loadout: Thursday and Friday, October 5th and 6th From 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. (Payment Will be Made at Loadout. Sales Tax Will NOT Be Charged)
*A Lot of Loading Will Have to be Done From the Road, Please Be Patient and We Will Do Our Best to Get Everyone Loaded in a Safe and Timely Manner*
This Auction Will Include: All Different Makes and Models of Older Tractors and Trucks. (Many in Running Condition.) A Large Selection of Plows and Other Misc Equipment!
Over 15 Vehicles, 65 Plows, 35 Tractors, 30 Lawn Mowers and a HUGE Selection of Other Very Collectible and Rare Items!
Call Gene (The Owner) with Questions @ 507-530-2644 (Cell) or 507-823-4230 (Home)
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Cash, Check, Credit Card, Wire Transfer
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Any action commenced to enforce any of the terms and conditions set forth herein shall be venued in the District Court of Lac qui Parle County, State of Minnesota, and Fragodt Auction Co. shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in said action. The terms and conditions shall be binding on the party's heirs, successors and assigns.
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All online auctions will have a staggered ending. The auctions will usually close 1 item every 2 or 3 minutes, but that can change at any time. If an item receives a bid with in the last 2 or 3 minutes of that items being open, it will automatically be extended 2 or3 minutes and will continue to do so until no bids have been received in 2 or 3 minutes. Staggered ending time will be clearly visible for each auction.
Shipping and shipping arrangements are the sole responsibility of the buyer.
Russell, Minnesota 56169
United States
Auction Close: Auction Will Start Closing Down 2 Items Every Minute on Wednesday, October 4th @ 6:00 PM.
Auction Loadout: Thursday and Friday, October 5th and 6th From 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. (Payment Will be Made at Loadout. Sales Tax Will NOT Be Charged)
*A Lot of Loading Will Have to be Done From the Road, Please Be Patient and We Will Do Our Best to Get Everyone Loaded in a Safe and Timely Manner*
Location: 1821 County Highway 31, Russell, MN 56169